New Classes
We always like to ensure we are providing you with plenty of variety in your training. So to keep you on your toes, we are introducing a few new classes to the mix!
Enduro 🥊
This class will ask you to dig deep and exert yourself with a consistent workload and remain active for a longer period of time. 4 minute rounds of work with combinations ranging from powerful bag work and equipment based exercises.
Tabata ⏰
Hard and fast intervals working at your maximum effort for a shorter period of time. This high intensity class will incorporate simple bag combinations followed by intense equipment/body weight movements.
Purebred Doghouse 🐾
This class will be based on interval training, working at a high effort level for a longer duration throughout the movements. It will range from Bag work based on your speed and endurance with added body weight exercises thrown in to create a much higher intensity and calorie burn. You will also find Strength based movements in the Doghouse class that will be sure to leave you crawling out of the room every time.
⚠️ Very high intensity class!
Our 3 new classes will be run from our recently completed BOX ROOM and will be available to book into from the 14th of June. Enjoy guys, we know you are going to love them!